Hello to my family, friends and readers…THANK YOU for sharing in this journey with me! I am deeply grateful for your support.
UPDATE ONE > Just a little note to tell you that Dissonance Volume 2: Reckoning is almost here! I finished writing it last week, and sent it off to a pro editor yesterday. It clocks in at 306 pages; a little less than Volume II. But I am tremendously excited for this one as it is far more intense and compelling than Volume I, building off of the calamities that took place there, and setting the stage for the ultimate showdown in Volume III. There is SO much weight to Volume II, I barely made it through it. It’s enormously moving and motivating, I mean it. I never knew the story would grow this big, but it’s enormous and powerful!
UPDATE TWO > If you haven’t yet snagged your copy of Volume I in paperback or hardcover, now is the time! They’re available through Amazon, Audiobook and Kindle, or direct through me, autographed, through Venmo, Paypal or Square. Visit the shop link to purchase. And thank you so much!
UPDATE THREE > Also, I need your help! I am undecided on the cover for Volume II, and need your thoughts and input. Please let me know what you think is best, given what you know of the story so far, the gorgon monster, and the title of Volume II. Please indicate in the comments below if you prefer 1, 2, or 3. Thanks so much for your help!

And UPDATE FOUR > Don’t forget about the upcoming book signings for Federal Way this Saturday March 2nd, Shoreline on Saturday March 16th, and Olympia on Saturday March 30th with FREE pizza! Be sure to RSVP at those links for which one(s) you can make.
Thanks again for reading, and for your support!
Number 3 – is my first choice.
Number 1 – is my second choice.
Number 2 – I wouldn’t choose.
Thank you so much for the feedback, I deeply appreciate it!
Number 1 first choice
Number 3 Second choice
Number 2 Third choice
Thank you bruddaman! I appreciate it Mr. Randy.
No. 2! Fits with the first cover. 🙂
Thank you Miriam!
I like number 1 the best 🙂
Thank you so much, brother!